There are three main hormones that control blood sugar levels which work together for weight loss, muscle growth, shape and definition. Insulin is the common denominator to lower or raise glucose levels. Glucagon is a fat burning hormone depletes stored fat (glucose) once insulin has been depleted. Carbohydrate foods allows stored fat to be converted back into glucose enables the glycogen hormone excellent for muscle growth when utilised through power training or daily workouts when expending energy and to tap into ketones an alternative energy source paired up with intermittent fasting is an excellent strategy


ketones muscle growth support

Fat Burning Ketogenic Diet
HARDCORE Ketones Muscle
Growth Support

sugar grows belly fat

Ketones Muscle Growth Control
Ketones Insulin Management

Combine natural fat blocker foods to help you drop pounds and lose weight in no time at all. The rules are simple it is not fat that plugs up the arteries it’s the sugar and if you suffer from a slow metabolism you will pile on the fat. This means you dont have to be a body builder training workouts to get into burn fats foods ketone shape.



Athletes Can
Far Out Perform
And Run on
Ketones Than
On Carbo

In Ketosis
Goes After
Your Fat

Ketones can give you a leg up when it comes to losing weight and removing saggy belly fat all you have to do is change what you eat not how much you eat. Ketosis is a natural process that you get into by lowering the intake of carbohydrates in your diet (see glycaemic index food go the slow burn).  Once insulin levels have been depleted to zero the fat burning glucagon hormone is then triggered it does the opposite to insulin the hormone that makes you fat. Because insulin and blood glucose are dependant of each other. 

Unless you are an athlete or pretty fit person that burns off energy throughout the day carbohydrates in your diet will only produce yo yo weight loss slow metabolic rate not ever producing ketones insulin management low sugar carbs and ketones muscle growth support to tap into your fat storage reserves.

Note: Having to much belly fat around your abdomen is really visceral fat around your organs it is dangerous to your health it can increase the risk of other health problems as well as grossly apple shaped likened to a flying saucer.

Get into
KETosis get
out of the
sugar trap

stop the
yo yo diets
stop running on sugar

If you are aiming to achieve significant weight loss on a ketogenic diet, your body must first eliminate sugar in the bloodstream. This involves depleting all glycogen stored in the muscles and fat cells, allowing insulin levels to drop to zero. Consequently, the glucagon hormone forces the glycogen stored fat back in to glucose, to access your fat reserves, forcing the body to switch to an alternative fuel source.

Insulin is beneficial and essential for muscle building by spiking elevated blood sugar by consuming carbohydrates to deliver nutrients and bulk up muscles, but first entering into a state of ketosis requires cessation of no carbohydrates together with intermittent fasting so that the body targets fat stored glycogen.

When you first enter into ketosis, muscles may seem flatter due to the absence of glycogen, and some strength may be lost. Nonetheless, this process is essential for achieving the desired fat-burning for weight loss and ketones muscle growth support.

If you have a big ego this could be a problem but if your goal is to be healthy and to lose weight without really having to put that much work into it then ketones muscle growth control support and ketones insulin management could really be your best friend.

rip burn fat burner
into ketosis

they are in
Keto all of
the time

Eskimos Have Near

KETOSIS ketone into
s * h * a * p * e

Intermittent Fasting

Blood sugar control ketones hormone management plan you first have to burn off the existing glycogen that has been stored in the fat cells. Doing high repetitive exercise high intensity training to get rid of the glycogen as fast as possible so that your body will have to turn to an alternative energy source called ketones. This way it wont take very long to get into ketosis ketones muscle growth support a couple of days or a week in case you are not depleting the glycogen straight off the bat.


Fat  burner keto plan to lose weight when in ketosis your body uses ketones the energy source of fats because your body no longer has glycogen in the body. The best way of knowing your body is in ketosis is with a  ketone and glucose meter it is essential to know that you are in ketosis that the insulin hormone has been depleted. A good way to confirm that you are following a ketogenic diet is by simply going to a drug store and purchase a ketone strip which is typically used for diabetics this will measure your urine 

We Are Looking For


Rip burner fat burner Top spot ketogenic diet

Ketones Insulin Management

When cutting back on carbs you add fat to make up for the lost calories particularly in a low carb diet because most of our protein does not contain fat unlike meat and fish. Fat of the right type is important as is protein but it is important it must be unrefined and preferably organic.

Take time to adapt your body to fat burning it is not the same as fat loss we need to limit the glucose to unleash the fat all the cells must change to adapt to the new fuel source. Having very low carbs this means any type of vegetables because they contain zero sugar this is the ketogenic diet to lose weight.

Keep carbohydrates within 5% to 10% in the entirety of calories in any given day during ketones insulin management diet to lose weight. 25% to come from protein 60% to 80% should come from fat this is a very healthy thing to do and it should be from healthy fats free to roam and grass pasture fed.

what foods to eat to get
Top Rated
Keto Plan

A top rated keto plan diet

Dont consume lean protein you need the fat for energy for ketones muscle growth support your body needs 2000 mg of cholesterol every day so when you consume more cholesterol or fat your body just makes less. We need cholesterol to surround cells hormones even the brain this is the formula for a top keto meal plan fat burning state.

Fat Allows You to go longer
so wont be as hungry

How much fat do you need in a Top Rated keto Plan

The keto PLAN
Muscle Growth Support

Dont consume sugar with fat
because this will raise insulin

Eat These Separate


  • EGG
  • 5g BEEF (grass fed organic)
  • 1 Tblsp COCONUT
  • 3oz BRIE (has protein)
  • 1 Tblsp Almond Butter
  • 1 Tblsp OLIVE OIL
  • 10 PICAN
  • 6 tblsp per meal
  • 3 -4 Eggs
  • 3 – 6 oz
  • 2 tblsp per meal
  • 1 + 2 tblsp
  • 3oz
  • 3 tblsp
  • 15
  • 22g
ketones insulin management

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