There are three main hormones that control blood sugar levels which work together for weight loss, muscle growth, shape and definition. Insulin is the common denominator to lower or raise glucose levels. Glucagon is a fat burning hormone depletes stored fat (glucose) once insulin has been depleted. Carbohydrate foods allows stored fat to be converted back into glucose enables the glycogen hormone excellent for muscle growth when utilised through power training or daily workouts when expending energy and to tap into ketones an alternative energy source paired up with intermittent fasting is an excellent strategy

Firm Up Muscle Lose All Over Body Fat

Eat Fats Burn Fat 
Which Dietary Fats
  Burn Fat  
For Fuel

Why Should We Eat
More Fats In Our Diet

Burn Fat Eat Fat for fuel. Dietary fats are types of fats which are sources of energy that add flavour to food. Fats are needed in a diet because fats are different to body fat which is vital to the body.  There are two components to body fat, essential fat and storage fat.    Eating fat in food is called dietary fat which the body uses for energy and are high energy nutrients. Dietary fats gram for gram have more than twice as much energy (calories) as protein and carbohydrates. Dietary fats are far more likely to make you fat and gain unwanted pounds more than any other nutrient. This is because it is stored as adipose tissue if it is not required straight away.

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A fat free body would not survive without a certain amount of body fat which is vital to the body. The focus should be on meeting the best fats to eat and fat food sources. The best fats you should eat and lose weight should comprise of saturated and unsaturated fats fatty acids, particular the monounsaturated fats omega 3 and omega 6. These are liquid fats found in seeds nuts plants and seafood.  Saturated fats are solid at room temperature found in animal protein foods such as meat and butter as well as coconut and palm oil and are whole fats.

Remember Fat Is Neutral
Dont Raise Insulin

Dont be afraid of whole fats consumed in the correct quantity are a healthy source of fat. Processed fats found in fried foods and baked goods and processed snack foods are trans fats these are the fats to watch these foods are cooked to very high temperatures and very unhealthy consumed in large quantities.

Dont Consume Sugar With Fat
It Will Raise Insulin

The current average intake of the general population in america is (35%-36%) whereas athletes consume fats food in their diet of (20%-25%).   Of energy from fat – higher intakes provide no further benefits to athletes.  Eating fats and burning fat for weight loss people who have a slow metabolism or see that person with belly fat around their mid-rif be sure that person has too much insulin.  Insulin is the switch to determine whether you gain weight or lose weight.  If you have symptoms of insulin resistance you will not lose weight also insulin dysfunction is a pre diabetic state.

A combination of carbohydrates, protein and fats in food make up the calorie balance.  For Example, an athlete consuming 3000 kcal a day would need: Ketones improve stamina during work outs.

(3000 x 20%) /9 = 66 g
(3000 x 33%) /9 = 110 g

Eat Fats Burn Fat
The Good Fats To Eat List

Top fat burner food should come from unsaturated fats, found in vegetable oils.  (E.g, olive, rapeseed, sunflower), nuts, seeds (e.g. sunflower, sesame, pumpkin), oily fish (e.g. sardine, mackeral, salmon), peanut butter and avocado. Omega 3 and omega 6 fats are classed as healthy fats which are also high in nutrients. Fats and oils found in foods consist mainly of triglycerides and made up of a unit of glycerol.  

How Much Fat Do We Really Need

There are three fatty acids made up of a unit of glycerol and classified in to three different groups.These groups are:

Saturated fats, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. In food, the proportion of each group is determined whether these fats are hard or liquid.  How it is handled by the body and how it affects your health and eating more fats to burn fat and build muscle according to their chemical structure. Fats of the right type are essential to health as protein and your friend to losing weight.  It is important to know that the fats you consume must be unrefined unprocessed and preferably organic varieties whenever possible to avoid hormones antibiotics and pesticides residues which collect in the fat. 

Fat Acts Out As Buffer
Against Insulin

Fat allows you to go longer so you are not as hungry and because fat is neutral does not raise insulin the hormone that makes you fat. The most lean type of protein is Whey Protein this is way up high on the insulin scale. It will spike insulin more than butter. People who are trying to burn fat will avoid butter because of the calories they dont realize fat does not trigger insuln. It is not the low calories that cause weight loss but the low insulin that creates weight loss. 

Dont Be Affraid To
Eat the Whole Fat

i.e. For instance if you just eat the egg white it will stimulate insulin more than if you eat it with the whole egg yolk because of the fat in the whole egg. Dont be affraid to having the whole food together as one unit or more fat in your burger meat. So when you consume protein dont go for the lean types such as skinless meats or chicken  burgers.  Because this is not the problem the problem is when you combine animal starches and sugars. 

  • Burger and Fries 
  • Meat and Potatoes 
  • Burger in a Bun with Ketchup
Fat allows you to feel fuller longer – How much fat per meal:-
 Fat    Per Meal
Heavy Cream   5g6 tblsp
Eggs5g3 to 4
BeefGrass Fed or Organic3 to 6 oz 
Brie3 oz3 oz
Coconut Oil1 tbls 2 tbls
Almond Butter1 oz3 tbls 
Olive Oil 1 tbls2 tbls
Pican 10 oz15 oz
Ice Cream no sugar22.5 oz1 cup



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