There are three main hormones that control blood sugar levels which work together for weight loss, muscle growth, shape and definition. Insulin is the common denominator to lower or raise glucose levels. Glucagon is a fat burning hormone depletes stored fat (glucose) once insulin has been depleted. Carbohydrate foods allows stored fat to be converted back into glucose enables the glycogen hormone excellent for muscle growth when utilised through power training or daily workouts when expending energy and to tap into ketones an alternative energy source paired up with intermittent fasting is an excellent strategy


Every Body Wants 
The Easy Way Out


Weight Loss Pills Canada 2021

A weight loss drug that has been available in the US for the past three years has recently received a safety stamp from researchers.

Lorcaserin, a drug that modulates appetite to induce a feeling of fullness, was found to be a safe and effective pill that sustained weight-loss without raising the risk of a cardiovascular event. It is the first weight-loss drug considered safe for heart health in long-term use. The results of the study were published in thein the New England Journal of Medicine on Aug 26.

READ MORE: What is reverse dieting and can it really help you lose weight?

The New pill for weight loss pills Canada 2021 Tam Fry, chair of the U.K.’s National Obesity Forum, has called it a “holy grail” of weight-loss medication. 

Studies conducted in the U.S. by researchers at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, found that after one year of use, 38.7 per cent of patients experienced a five per cent weight loss, compared to 17 per cent of participants who took a placebo. After 40 months, this weight loss pills canada 2021 lorcaserin users lost an average of nine pounds. The study comprised 12,000 overweight or obese participants.

READ MORE:6 weight-loss myths that could be holding you back

Dr. Jason Fung, a Toronto-based nephrologist and author of The Obesity Code says.

While Fung admits that after four years of use, of the weight loss pill canada 2021 participants were healthier from a medical standpoint because they had decreased their risk for heart attack and stroke due to weight loss, he also points out that taking a drug of this nature is a lifelong financial commitment.

“It costs around US$200 per month. You’re talking about $9,000 in 40 months. Your insurance wouldn’t cover it, so you’re paying out of pocket for the rest of your life to keep the weight off.”

He stresses that a drug like weight loss pills canada 2021 lorcaserin wouldn’t do the job of teaching people the importance of establishing healthy habits around food and exercise. (The study says that participants were provided access to and encouraged to take part in a weight-management program, but it does not state how many actually did.)

In addition, he says, there isn’t enough data on drugs of this nature to show that they can’t pose health risks down the line.

“The problem with new drugs is that they could be approved and then five or 10 years down the line, we find out they kill people,” Fung says, pointing to previous weight loss pills canada 2021 like fen-phen, which proved to cause heart valve problems.

READ MORE: 9 weight-loss tips that actually work

Dr Fung commented and said “I’d rather take the time and energy to counsel my patients on proper diets and teach them healthy habits that they can incorporate for the rest of their lives.”

At the moment, there are three weight-loss drugs approved for use in Canada: Xenical, a fat absorption inhibitor, Saxenda, an injection drug that was originally created to treat diabetes, and Contrave, a medication commonly used to treat alcohol and drug dependence.

For his part, Fung is reluctant to prescribe any medications to his patients.

Dr Fung stated “It comes down to eating the right foods, and not eating or snacking all the time to allow your body time to burn off the food you’ve ingested,” he says. “Everyone is looking for the easy way out, but it doesn’t work.”

Bottom Line 
“But It Doesn’t Work”

So after the new weight loss pills canada 2021 we have to bring ourselves back to the drawing board and approach weight loss in the traditional way which is proper diets and healthy habits which you incorporate for your lifetime. This means fat burning with natures food and consuming a combination of animal protein and fats and rich in fiber carb vegetables to maintaining an efficient and healthy metabolism from the foods you eat in your daily meals. 

To Boost Your Load
Fiber Sugar Carbs Metabolic Rate Protein Foods  

Taking supplements will only work in combination with more important weight loss strategies such as including trigger burner foods to get lean and ripped.  It’s good to gradually lose excess pounds all over weight through eating a combination of animal protein fat and vegetable fiber carbohydrates to rip your belly muscle.  Protein and fat with plenty fiber are very important foods in your daily diet they help enormously in maintaining a healthier blood glucose and ketonic lifestyle in that there is no sugar (glucose) insulin overload associated with unhealthy sugar imbalances; after eating fast release carbohydrates foods which have broken down into the blood stream too quickly producing stores of fat.

Consuming fiber carbs animal protein and whole food fats  this combination foods will not spike insulin but better control  blood sugars to rise driving up a more efficient metabolic rate or speed up a slow metabolism. The fats and fiber in the food will also keep you feeling fuller longer throughout the day suppressing food cravings.  These three super food sources in your diet will trigger fat burning glucagon hormone causing reduced appetite shed unwanted pounds and build a muscle belly stomach. 

Fats in protein foods are neutral and do not spike insulin: Fats do not fully dissolve in the body they can only emulsify into small pieces reforming into a useable fat so it can be used again to yield as energy on the body. Once they have been metabolised they are unleashed in the blood stream which can be used as energy or for storageCombining more ripped burner protein fat and fiber foods in your meals raise a more effective metabolism to help you burn fats more efficiently.  For those wanting to shed those excess pounds of all over body weight combine fat and protein or plant based protein food sources with plenty fiber low vegetable carbohydrates in your daily meals plan.  The combination of top ripped fat weight loss food sources will help kick start a healthy boosting metabolism to control food hunger cravings.  The rules are simple even if you suffer from a slow metabolism you can have both fats and muscle you dont have to be a top ripped belly muscle builder to get ripped around your muscle.

Power Foods Trigger Burners
Fight Battle Of The Bulge Pooch
Fast Metabolism Tips

weight loss loss pills canada 2021 Adding more protein and fats to every meal saturated and unsaturated fats with plenty trigger burner fiber carbohydrates also protein and fats in the food will produce the trigger burner hormone glucagon. The glucagon hormone causes fat burning and reduced appetite release insulin out of the body; Firstly the glucagon hormone is produced in the gut it responds to protein in the food which triggers the fat burner hormone and unlocks energy from fat cells stored as glycogen to deplete insulin. Secondly trigger burner foods are also saturated unsaturated fats in their whole foods are neutral they do not spike insulin so will not trigger blood sugar imbalances.  The glucagon trigger burner hormone does the opposite to the insulin hormone it causes intermittent fasting acts out as a natural trigger burner. Coupled with a sensible eating approach to shed unwanted pounds a high in fiber food diet can help kick start a slow metabolic rate also support many popular weight loss programs in the market place today.

Eat More Protein Burn More Fats
Ripped Fats Burns Off Fat Quicker

Many put weight gain and not losing weight down to the fact that their metabolism is slow but this is not true. It is true that if you have a slow metabolism rate it is easier to gain weight. We now know measuring weight loss using calories is not controlled by how many calories we burn off through exercise. The real reason for weight gain and having a wodge of belly flab around the middle is from years and years of eating simple carbohydrate foods associated with hidden sugars, stored fat from refined and processed foods and eating too much of it.

Traditionally mainstream advice taught us that sugar was the primary fuel source while fat is secondary fuel source. We are now finding out that fat can be a healthier and more sustainable food source of energy by making you feel fuller longer. You dont have to count calories when basing a weight loss diet on protein and fats and plenty vegetables fiber carbohydrates. It is the ideal source for rip burner foods with dietary fiber consume 3oz to 6oz of protein and fats of either fish chicken turkey or red meat at each meal. Plant base protein and fat source of grain beans vegetable nuts this means you dont have to eat animal products to get protein.

Combination of fats and protein with plenty fiber carb vegetables will help a slow metabolism weight loss your rip fats foods burn fat quicker goal. It is better to single out sugar starch carbohydrates and glycaemic index food the science of the naturally occurring hormone called “insulin”. Mastering this knowledge that the insulin hormone controls not only your blood sugar but also your body’s ability to metabolise efficiently fast or slow either to burn fats or make stored fat.





Rip More Drive Up Metabolism Rate
Take The Fast Lane
En Route To The Fat Metabolism

Metabolism is a process where your body converts food and drink into energy.  It is a process the body metabolises all of the cell burning cell building activities on a daily basis how fast the foods in your body is metabolised depends on the food that has been eaten at each meal. The glucagon hormone responds to protein the insulin hormone responds to sugar (glucose) this will determine what rate of speed your metabolism is going fast or slow of how the body ends up. Whether your metabolism will be a rip burn fat burner body or end up a wodge of surpless fatness and over weight.

weight loss pills canada 2021 Making the right burn fat quicker food choice combinations of animal protein and fats together with fiber carbohydrates you will be well on your way to losing weight. Consuming rip burn protein and fats in your daily meals will play an essential role to achieve the set metabolism point to rip fats foods burn fat quicker. 

Animal Protein Fats And Fiber
Power Foods Battle Of The Bulge

Fats Does Not Make Your Fatter
Fiber Zaps Fat

From a weight loss perspective unprocessed unrefined red meats are a good source of iron a rip burn fat burner alternative energy source.  White meats chicken has all the benefits of protein without all the less quality saturated fats of refined and processed meats.  Organic and grass fed animal protein unsaturated and saturated fats together with plenty fiber will help keep you fuller longer through out the day to rip fats foods burn fat quicker speeding up metabolism to lose weight improve metabolism rate.  Once you know how to choose the right fats in your diet it is not necessary to go after the leaner cuts of meats having 3oz to 6oz of animal protein and more fats in the food with dietary fiber carb vegetables triggers the fat burning hormone.  When consuming fats from animal protein which have not been refined or processed are neutral to insulin and wont effect raising blood sugars or insulin.  When choosing the fat burning foods musweight loss pills canada 2021t come from organic or grass fed animal protein sources in their whole food and not their processed derivatives which have undergone a process rendering many toxins.     

Food combinations of animal protein and plant based fats eaten with plenty fiber rich low sugar carb vegetables are the best rip burn fat food combinations.  Although fiber is a carbohydrate when fiber is part of the whole food and consumed with protein and fats as one unit soluble or insoluble fiber forms a gelatinous barrier delaying the ability to absorb glucose. The fiber in the food slows down glucose absorption preventing the sugar in the food from being digested too quickly limiting the peak of glucose rises in blood sugar levels. The pancreas in response reduces the amount of insulin released this means less insulin less shunting of energy to fats.  It is not the fats that plugs the arteries or makes fatness it is the sugar that plugs the arteries and also responsible for weight gain an unhealthy diet heart disease cancers and diabetes.



Carb Sugar Blocker Foods
Protein Fat Burners

  • Ripped fat foods are animal protein saturated unsaturated fats unprocessed and unrefined with fiber to keep you fuller longer because of the combination of animal protein and fats in your diet. The combination of protein and fats in this foods source does not effect insulin and speeds up metabolism but must emphasize fat burner foods must be from grass fed animal protein preferably organic to reach a metabolism point to trigger glucagon the fat burning hormone.
  • These foods eaten together will trigger fat burning and weight loss it is recommended about 3 to 6oz of protein to eat at each meal. Because you cannot eat just protein in your foods too much protein can damage the liver the liver will come dysfunctional and will not digest the protein efficiently.

  • To counteract this deficit we need to eat more green vegetables in the diet even though vegetables are all carbohydrates they are also very high in fiber and very low in sugar so they dont turn into stored fat and they dont turn into sugar.
  • This combination of rip fats foods burn fat quicker eaten together will provide you with the ideal source of carbohydrates and dietary fiber in the meal to lose weight. With vegetables eaten in the same meal will keep your insulin levels balanced with 3oz to 6oz of protein and fats, fish, chicken turkey or red meat at each meal will also make up the bulk of your diet.

High Protein And Fats
Carbohydrates In
Low Sugar Foods

Having combined foods high in animal protein and fats or plant based protein to your meal will increase the amount of antioxidants such as beta carotene and fat soluble vitamins A + E. Furthermore combined protein ripped fats foods burn fat quicker with vegetables in the same meal will keep insulin levels down from spiking this is the hormone that makes all over fats. Eating more protein and fats with plenty fiber low carb vegetables will transport burning off fatness because there is very little sugar known as complex carbs

Also the fats in the protein food is neutral this means blood  sugars remain stable and does not effect insulin the hormone which makes fats and makes you over weight. However you must know having too much protein can still aggravate insulin which can also clog up the liver and will not digest the protein efficiently causing damage and the liver can become dysfunctional. It is recommended to eat protein and fats with plenty fiber vegetables to provide you with the ideal source of carbohydrate dietary fiber.  Having also the vegetable content with each of your meals will counteract and flush things out of the liver keeping it healthy. .

Carbs and Insulin
Insulin Is Sugar

The whole conception of high protein ripped fats foods burn fat quicker are fats that do not effect insulin these are belly fat cutting foods that have not been refined or processed and is left as a whole food neutral to insulin.  If you cut your fats out you never seem to lose weight because if you have been eating the wrong carbohydrate foods high in sugar is what triggers the response to insulin which is the real reason for gaining weight. Super rip burner power foods is your success to making insulin sugar zero insulin is the number one controller that tells you if you are burning fat or burning sugar.

The smallest amounts of sugar has the domination to prevent you from tapping into your fat reserves. When we talk about insulin we are talking about sugars, (glucose) sugar is the Lex Luther of Evil in all processed and refined foods with fructose syrup (HFCS) high up there in the list for heart disease cancer and diabetes. The whole premise of eating more protein and fats in your meals with low sugar high fiber vegetables at each meal is to eradicate and completely put an end and restrict  any signs of insulin.

Remember refined and processed food carbohydrates means lots of insulin which means lots of storage in fat tissues the gradual understanding of this and that dietary fats are more sustainable and  better healthier energy source than carbohydrates. Dietary fats are not always the demon that was once portrayed which led to the introduction of the ‘low carb diet’ and the work of Dr Robert Atkins.  

Top Rip Fats Power Foods 
Fiber Zaps Fat

Rip Fat Burner

With fiber in your meals makes this a complex carbohydrate breaking down slower converting to sugar is less likely to trigger insulin rip burn fats foods prevents sugar in the food from being digested to quickly. It is a carbohydrate but passes through the digestive system and does not raise insulin. By slowing down sugar it eases the passage of food through the gut which will reduce flux to the liver unlike fats, carbohydrates and protein – fiber isn’t digested. Fiber makes you feel fuller longer and does not raise insulin level so you can  burn fat off quicker in a weight loss carb fat sugar blocker diet.  

Dietary fiber can be found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, oatmeal, broccoli, all-bran and spinach it is part of the plant humans are unable to digest therefore it has one destination. Fiber plays an important role in the digestion and utilisation of protein fats when used as energy the metabolism burns off fat quicker. Fiber has no effect on insulin and does not count towards our daily total we can simply subtract the amount of fiber from the total carbs. If a label says the food contains 12g carbohydrates (calories) and 7g fiber 12-7 = 5 to find out how many carbohydrates (calories) you need to count (5g in this case) net carbs.

Vitamins are organic compounds found within food while minerals are inorganic which are absorbed by plants from soil and water such as iron, calcium and magnesium.

There Are Two Types of Fiber:-
  • Soluble which dissolves in water
  • Insoluble which does not

Fiber is a carbohydrate made up of bran gum and cellulose that are present in fruit vegetables and grain that passes straight through the digestion system it is a quick burner food source. Even though fiber is a carbohydrate and contains sugar in their whole food fiber prevents the sugar being digested too quickly easing the passage of food to the gut.  By reducing the rate of flux will mitigate most of the negative effects of sugar keep insulin levels low to burning fat and accelerate  metabolism rate.  Fruits are inherent of fiber which also contain fructose the amounts of fructose naturally found in most fruits is balanced nicely by the fruit’s fiber content and you should eat the whole fruits fructose has no effect on insulin it is digested in the body alike to protein.

Opting for dietary fiber brown foods complex carbohydrates; beans, lentils, whole grain, barley, quinoa, nuts, legumes rather than their processed derivatives white foods. Bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, spaghetti means that the fiber has already gone (and in the case of white potatoes the fiber was never there in the first place). All foods digested in the body break down into sugar eventually but high fiber complex carbohydrate food break down more slowly than simple carbohydrate and is less likely to store adipose tissue around the organs.

Separating protein and fats and distinguishing the best fiber carbohydrate foods you should consume not to imbalance blood sugars (glucose) and insulin the hormone the makes surplus sagging body fatness. The rip fats food diet it’s aim is to eat more protein and animal fats with fiber carbohydrate vegetables towards a better healthier lifestyle and to metabolise food in the body more efficiently.

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