Best Foods For Slow Metabolism | Carb Fat Sugar Blocker And Fiber

Processed foods that are made-up of simple sugars such as glucose fructose sucrose are classed as a fast carbs added to foods, which are not beneficial for your health, they slow down metabolism and make you gain weight, if you are not an actively energetic or expend energy through exercise. A better energy source are carb fat sugar blocker foods of complex carbs, made up of dietary fiber, protein and fats that serve as a better energy sources that add flavour to food.
Our diet requires fats because they help burn body fat, which is essential. Body fat consists of two components: essential fat and storage fat. Dietary fats consumed in food are used by the body for energy and are high-energy nutrients. On a gram-for-gram basis, dietary fats provide a dense energy source, offering double the calories compared to carbohydrates and proteins.
Dietary fats encompass saturated fats, unsaturated fats, and trans fats, the latter of which are more likely to contribute to unwanted weight gain and slow down metabolism. It is advisable to consume more unsaturated fats found in whole foods such as fish, nuts, and vegetable oils, and to limit saturated and trans fats, fast carb carbohydrates typically found in processed foods and processed meat.
This is because when carbohydrates are processed in food they become a simple carb fast release sugar when broken down into the blood stream. Fast release carbs spike insulin which is broken down into glucose, excess glucose is then stored as fat in the liver and the muscle cells, if not used immediately as energy it becomes stored as glycogen that hangs around the skeletal muscle eventually as fat.
On the other hand, carb sugar blocker foods are quality sources of dietary fats and fiber; they are not absorbed as quickly as processed carbohydrates. Utilizing weighty bulges for energy, rather than carbohydrates, requires more energy (calories) to burn off fats initially.
The right kinds of fats in your diet can actually trigger the fat-burning hormone known as glucagon, because fats are neutral in the body and do not trigger insulin. This means you can lose weight while still consuming fats, including bacon and eggs, fat proteins, that are pro ripped max fat burner triggers.
Foods that are carb fat sugar blockers, such as animal proteins and whole foods containing both saturated and unsaturated fats, preferably should be grass-fed or organic.
Consuming unrefined or unprocessed proteins and fats, ideally organic, can initiate fat burning. This is because the protein in the food activates the glucagon hormone, and since fat is neutral, it does not trigger insulin, which would otherwise store glucose in fat cells as glycogen.
Carb Fat Sugar Blocker Foods
More Protein And Fiber In YOur Diet
Best Foods For Slow Metabolism
Stop Loading Up On Sugar
Wont Lose Real Weight
All successful diets in history restricts sugar to any weight loss objectives. Such foods are called simple carbs because they break down into sugar very fast and will be stored as flab, which slows down your metabolic rate and gain weight.
On the other hand there are brown foods also named complex carbohydrates (starch) beans lentils whole grain nuts and other legumes, these are the best foods for slow metabolism, they are slow at breaking down into blood glucose in the blood stream and don’t spike insulin. They also contain fiber, but at a very slow release which is a lot healthier energy source.
Foods that block carbs, fats, and sugars often contain fiber, which is beneficial for this purpose. Fiber, when included in starchy carbohydrate foods, can slow the breakdown of blood sugar (glucose) in the bloodstream, leading to a more gradual insulin response.
Consuming these foods together can be an effective strategy for weight loss and driveing up metabolism.
Whole foods, such as unprocessed fruits and vegetables, are ideal for this. They are not processed like their derivatives. Eating a combination of slow-release low sugar carbohydrates, with more fats, and proteins, along with a good amount of fiber-rich vegetables, can aid in quickly shedding unwanted fat.
These are not just healthier foods they are also considered some of the best fat-burning foods for achieving weight loss goals and enhancing metabolism.
Refined Grains/Simple Carbs | Unrefined Grains/Complex Carbs/Fiber |
White Rice | 100% Wholemeal Bread |
White Pasta | 100% Whole Wheat Pasta |
White Bread | Beans |
Sweet Drinks | Cucumber |
Caffeinated Drinks | Broccoli |
White Toast | Spinach |
White Potatoes Flesh Only Without Skin | Celery |
Cookies | Chic Peas |
Crackers | Oatmeal |
Cornflakes/Cereal | Muesli or Porridge |
Cakes/Brownies | |
Sugary Drinks Sodas And Juices | |
Unrefined foods, such as fruit, have not been processed and retain their natural state, straight from the tree or the soil in which they were grown. They are considered simple carbohydrates due to the naturally occurring fructose, which is accompanied by fiber, vitamins, and minerals. The fructose in whole fruits is bound to fiber, which slows its absorption and prevents spikes in blood sugar levels. It is this fiber-fructose combination that renders whole fruit a nutritious option.
Berries |
Bananas |
Peaches |
Pears |
Cherries |
Dates |
Figs |
Melons |
Plumbs |
Carbs Fiber Blocker
Pinch The Inch
Ripped Fats Burner –
Carb Fat Sugar Blocker
Slow Metabolism Foods
Refined Processed And Sugar
You could be eating less fats in food but still not take off weight this is because you are just losing sugar because you are eating more carbohydrate foods than you really need. When eating foods that slow metabolism (sugars) in their refined state, they upset our blood sugar balance (glucose) and convert food into energy too quickly. They are not the best foods for to get you our of a slow metabolism because they release too much sugar (glucose) to fast. Producing too much too quickly excess fats will be stored as in-waiting fats slowing down metabolism you will not lose weight. Bottom line simple carbohydrates in food breaks down into sugar too fast making it difficult to take off weight because a slower metabolic rate is easier for converted sugar to be stored in the glycogen cells..
Refined Foods
White Toast
Chocolate Bar
White Pasta
Best Foods For
Slow Metabolism

A fat free body would not survive without a certain amount of fat which is vital to the body. The focus should be on eating more saturated and unsaturated fats found in animal protein grass fed or organic meats or plant based protein no sugar carbohydrates but unlimited amounts of fiber. These are best carb fat sugar blocker higher metabolism foods which comprise of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Particular from the omega 3 family are absolutely the best sources of fats oily fish sardines salmon and trout.
Omega 6 are plant based dietary sources considered to be healthy include sesame seeds pumpkin seeds walnuts hazel nuts grains and vegetable oils etc. Liquid oils are considered to be healthy fats avocados olives nuts plants seeds and dark chocolate. Other saturated oils are solid at room temperature found in processed and refined foods these are types of solidified fats and heavily used in baked goods snacks pastries and margarines and fast food prepared meals. Omega 6 oils once they have been processed from their whole food become refined foods saturated fats too much of these are detrimental to health.
How Much Body Flab
Do We Really Need
Best Food Eats
For Slow Metabolism
There are four types of fats saturated and saturated classified into four different groups. These groups are are essential dietary fats which are obtained through our diet from foods:-
Trans Fats
In food, the proportion of each group is determined whether these fats are hard or liquid. How it is handled by the body and how it affects your health eating more fats to burn fat and build muscle according to their chemical structure. Fats of the right type are essential to health as protein and can be helpful to your plan to rip burn flab lose weight it is just a matter of choosing the right fat. It is important to know that the fats you consume must be unrefined unprocessed and preferably organic varieties whenever possible avoiding hormones antibiotics pesticides residues and toxins.
Fat forms the basis of every meal the best foods for slow metabolism to speed up metabolic rate are fats in their natural state rather than being processed derivatives out of foods. For instance olives are better than olive oil sesame seeds are better than sesame oil keeping to their natural ‘whole food’ theme. This is always preferred and are best carb fat blocker foods to fix a slow metabolism a small amount of butter to any amount of margarine that has been processed. Combining animal protein good quality fats when basing a weight loss diet in relation to health it is not the fat that plugs the arteries it is the sugar that is dangerous for your heart.
Carbs Fat Blocker
Fat allows you to go longer so you are not as hungry and because it is neutral does not raise insulin the hormone that really makes you fat. Best foods to fix a slow metabolism is having carb sugar blocker foods top animal protein and fats in your diet to trigger fat burning. Having this combination of foods and eating 3oz to 6oz of protein and fat in each meal adding more green vegetables to make for the extra proteins and fats in your diet to burn fat off fast. This is because fats in protein do not spike insulin the hormone that really piles on the pounds. By eating an unlimited amount of vegetables with every meal will guarantee burning fat off fast. The most lean type of protein is Whey Protein this is way up high on the insulin scale and will spike insulin more than butter.
People who are trying to burn fat will avoid butter because of the calories they dont realize fat does not trigger insulin. It is not the low calories that cause weight loss but the spike in insulin that creates weight gain. Selecting carb sugar blocker foods with vegetables are absolutely the best food combination. Even though vegetables are carbohydrates their fiber content makes them a super food because there is very little sugar if any at all that can be broken down into the blood stream . Eating these combination food sources of protein fats and fiber are absolutely the best foods for all rates of metabolism you dont have to be losing weight it is also very healthy on your liver and pancreas in small amounts.
Best Breakfast
For Slow Metabolism
Bring On The
Bacon And Eggs
All foods break down into sugar (glucose) into the blood stream at a rate of which is determined whether it will end up a wodge of fat around your middle eating fat does not make you fat. Sugar carbohydrate have hidden sugars that spike insulin this is the hormone that really piles on weight. Insulin is the common denominator for many health problems that goes beyond how weight is lost and to burn fat fast. The best fat burner foods for a slow metabolism to deplete insulin stored fat and burn off fat fast is to stay off sugars and refined starch foods e.g. white bread, white pasta, white rice white potatoes and constant snacking on high sugar food and sugar sweetened beverages bring on bacon and eggs.
Insulin And Fats
Sugar Entrapment
Banana Middle
Of The Road
A banana is given a number 70/100 on the GI table whereas glucose is given a number of 100/100 on the GI scale the banana is shown to be medium not too high not too low. A potato is a simple carbohydrates given a number GI 85/100 looking at the glucose level of the potato it is very high and will break-down into sugar very fast. This will break-down in to sugar in your blood stream very fast and turn into stored fat in your body slowing down metabolism if you do not exercise, engage in daily workouts or are not an active person. When you eat a potato most of the time you do not eat it by itself you eat it with something if the same potato became processed into a chip it will give the GI number 55/100 when sugar becomes sugar in the blood. To keep your blood sugar levels low it is best to eat potato chips and not a boiled potato this is because the processed chip has fat inside the potato after frying a carb fat sugar blocker food with fat is neutral to insulin and is slower release to go into fat storage formed glycogen.